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Famous people in the field of Psychology

  1. B. F. Skinner: Known for his concepts of operant conditioning and schedules of reinforcement.
  2. Jean Piaget: His theory of cognitive development made him one of the most famous psychologists in history.
  3. Sigmund Freud: Known for his theories on the unconscious mind, human development, personality, clinical psychology, and abnormal psychology.
  4. Albert Bandura: His social learning theory stresses the importance of observational learning, imitation, and modelling.
  5. Leon Festinger: Developed the theories of cognitive dissonance and social comparison.
  6. Wilhelm Wundt: Often referred to as the father of experimental psychology and many see him as the father of psychology as a whole.
  7. Mary Whiton Calkins: She invented the paired association technique of memory.
  8. Steven Pinker: Known for his advocacy of evolutionary psychology and the computational theory of mind.
  9. Daniel Kahneman: Known for his work on the psychology of judgement and decision-making.
  10. Martin Seligman: Known for his work on positive psychology.


Vedant Anand

Rakshit Dhamija

Akshat Bakshi

Madhav Gupta